I didn’t end up writing about it at the time—which I now kind of regret since I’m no longer quite sure when exactly it was—but I ended up trying Linux again. Looking back at last time, it doesn’t necessarily feel like all that much has changed—though I don’t have the stuttering in World of Warcraft any more—except for perhaps no longer streaming and as such not having the hassle of setting that up, yet I’ve by now used it for several months and just been content.

There have certainly been some minor annoyances still, especially with how badly Battle.net performs, but overall it’s just been rather uneventful.

It feels a bit anticlimactic even, because I guess I was somehow expecting the change to be a bigger deal, which of course was a very misguided expectation but still. One of the really nice things however, is how much better the keyboard layouts are on Linux; specifically how many more things are accessible with Alt Gr or angry Alt.

This post has been sitting in my drafts folder for months because I’m honestly just not sure what to say since it all has just been so normal, but somehow it still feels right posting about it since I’ve mentioned trying Linux before. So that’s the update I guess.